COVID-19 Health and Safety Precautions
How Danville Dentistry is maximizing your health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic:
Dr. Feyock and her team are devoted to maximizing the health and safety of their patients at all times and especially now, in light of the COVID-19 virus. As always, Danville Dentistry is going above and beyond to ensure that your time spent in their care is as comfortable, enjoyable, and safe as possible. Here are some of the ways Dr. Feyock and her team are keeping you safe…
Upon arrival to our office:
- All patients will present to our office wearing a mask and each will be greeted by a team member also wearing a mask. I promise you will be greeted with a smile even if it’s hiding beneath our masks!
- All touched surfaces will be disinfected constantly by our dedicated team members. From the front door knob to any pen you may pick up, we will be disinfecting each surface prior to your arrival and/or use.
- You will notice touchless hand sanitizer dispensing stations located throughout our office. We kindly ask that you sanitize your hands upon entering and departing our office.
- Your temperature will be taken with a “no contact” thermometer upon arrival as well as each of our team members’ and each of our team members and patients will complete a daily COVID-19 screening form. If a patient is deemed higher risk for potentially having or carrying the virus, we will kindly reschedule their appointment. Similarly, staff members deemed to display some risk of having or potentially carrying the virus will not be permitted to work in the office.
- We will have patients call into the office when they arrive and we will have them come into the office with a team member ready to greet them and escort them back to their treatment room.
- We will no longer allow more than two individual patients to congregate in the waiting room at a time in accordance with social distancing protocols and will try to avoid any use of the waiting room. You will also notice an air filtration unit positioned in the waiting area that will be filtering and recirculating the air in the room every 3 minutes (see specifics below).
- We will also be postponing use of our beverage bar and warm towel service to minimize potential areas for cross-contamination. We are happy to provide you with a chilled bottle of water upon request!
What to expect in our treatment area:
- We will utilize and employ a double or triple suction technique to obliterate as much of the invisible aerosol spray as possible while we work in your mouth. We will be using the following to control aerosol emissions from the “source” (the mouth): A rubber dam or Isolite, a hand held high speed suction, and a Releaf suction. These items will help us ensure your health and safety by removing the bulk of the aerosol immediately which could otherwise stay in the air for upwards of 30 minutes.
- Additionally, we will be using a very effective air filtration system with a special attachment that will be positioned close to our patients’ mouths during treatment. This will not only filter the ambient air in the treatment room but will also further extract aerosols from the vicinity of your mouth. We are currently utilizing multiple “hyper-HEPA” filtration units that have been proven to remove and filter the smallest particles from the air. The IQAir HealthPro Plus units will filter ultra fine allergen particles that measure as small as 0.003 microns at a rate of 99.5% – far exceeding HEPA performance standards. And 90% of ultra fine particles are smaller than the .03 microns regular HEPA filters trap. (Note: all viruses and bacteria will readily and easily be filtered out of the air along with all of the ultra fine particles approximately every three minutes.). This will greatly minimize and mitigate the potential risk caused by aerosols produced in the mouth.
Our team members will be suited up from head to toe for their protection as well as yours. We will be wearing surgical caps, N95 masks, face shields, a full coverage gown, and shoe covers. We will be diligently disinfecting and replacing any potentially soiled gear between patients.
- Rest assured that our team members will be adhering to strict infection control protocols at all times for your (and our) safety.
- Finally, please inquire if you have any more detailed questions about our procedures and protocols and we will be more than happy to answer them. Additionally, we ask that you make us aware of any additional health or safety measure we may take to ensure your wellness during this time.
Thank you all so very much for your loyalty and trust in our dedication to your health and safety. Keeping you healthy, safe, and comfortable is our very top priority! We look forward to seeing you soon!
Adrienne Feyock, DDS
and our wonderful Danville Dentistry Team

To schedule an appointment, please call our office or request an appointment online
Phone: 925.837.7277
Fax: 925.831.1876